Friday, March 16, 2012

blog names & a chapter a day

Word of advice: never nap close to bed-time. If you do, you'll end up like me, 4:07 the Thursday of Spring Break's beginning blogging. -___-
Just me and ol' Charlie.
Anyway, I've been experimenting with new blog names. I don't like how this one matches my tumblr and I thought I'd try and change it up a bit. Right now I'm testing out 'Always Tomorrow' in reference to that age-old saying, "There's always tomorrow." My take on 'seize the day' and second chances, I guess. </cliches>

My OOTD from Tuesday (March 14)!

 UO/Sparkle & Fade blazer | Lovers & Friends Woodstock shorts | BCBG flats

One of the reasons I keep a 'personal' blog is for creative writing. I've only been posting what I've been writing for classes based on prompts, but I feel like going bigger. That's right, I'm talking about novels. I've always wanted to write one -- if you haven't already gotten that from previous posts -- and I thought what better way to get a rough draft than try a sort of 'Chapter a Day' kind of thing. There's a 99% chance that it'll turn out to be more of a Chapter a Week or even a Bi-weekly Chapter but whatever -- so long as I'm writing, right?

I can't wait to fucking get back to Long Island, omg. Never thought I'd ever wish to be back in my hometown to be honest, although, I really only miss my family and being home than the people living in the city. They can go fuck themselves, haha.

Anyway, next time I post, I'll be bummin with the pup and hopefully I'll have a chapter with title and synopsis in tow!

Night night .. or happy pre-morning ?


  1. Wahaha! Love your site name! I ran into your blog a little earlier today, and I really enjoy your blog! If you can check mine out at, it would mean lots!

  2. haha thanks girl! changed the title again though .. probably going to change it a couple or more times before i'm satisfied x3 i clicked on your link but i wasn't redirected to a blog page ..

    thanks for stopping by! hope to hear from you again xox
