Thursday, March 15, 2012

11 facts & 11 questions


Took these just for this challenge: me, in my natural setting! Pillow pet and all hehe.

1.  I want to be a writer more than anything in the world. I used to have a decent talent in it, but now I feel like the possibility of me becoming a successful writer is close to nil.. If only I had a billion dollars, then I would devote my livelihood to writing!

2. I'm not a fan of make-up. Besides the fact that my face can't really handle it, I respect girls who feel comfortable in the skin they were born in (not that my opinion matters but whatever). Who cares if you're attractive with make-up, it's not really what you look like. Plus, it's so damn time-consuming.

3. I get conflicted when I think about having marrying and/or having children. There are so many things that I worry about: will I teach them good morals or will I be one of those women others look at on the street and say, "Why the fuck did she have kids?"What if my kid is mentally unsound or just 'bad'? The world is an ugly place... to think that I'd have to raise a kid against it is scary. Kids suck, kids are mean, people are ignorant. I don't want my kid(s) to be miserable. Worse still, my biggest fear is that my kid will end up being just like me.

4.The Lord of the Rings soundtracks are favorite of all time. If my life could have a soundtrack, it'd be that one. My life is not nearly adventurous enough though, meh. Haven't heard the soundtrack? Then you haven't watched the movies -- HOW ARE YOU LIVING LIFE? go, go, go -- here, here, here, here, here, & here (so excited to share my LOTR love, I gave you guys entire scenes.. herp).

4a. I could watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy over and over and over again .. I actually just watched Return of the King 2 days ago. Awe

You can so tell that in 10 years I'll be with 20 cats. nbd.

5. In terms of IQ, I should be in the top 1% of the nation.. but I haven't felt that smart since 6th grade. Things used to come so naturally to me, but towards the end of middle school I felt like a mental block had been put on me -- like something switched off in my brain. It's quite sad actually. Here I am at one of the best universities in the world and I feel like it means nothing because I'm just not smart enough.

6. I don't say this very often, but I love my life. I'm so damn lucky. I have my health, my youth, the best family and support I could ask for, and fucking hard ass working parents who have devote their lives to give me the best life I could possibly lead. I'm not a very sentimental person and a little bashful when it comes to these things, but I like to say it from time to time.

7. One of my greatest regrets in life is letting the sadness get the best of me. Actually, not just sadness -- I was angry, and I hated everyone. I became petty. But now I can happily say that I . I'm trying to appreciate each day in every way that I can. People need to realize that you only have one life, and it can be as good as you want it to be.

8. I've always had a passion for animals. I've always felt more of an empathy with them than I did with people, I don't know, I guess it's just intrinsic. There's just something profoundly heartbreaking to me about an animal suffering or being abused (The ASPCA commercial? Forget about it, kills me every friggin time). It pisses of the fuck off when people are so indifferent about animal abuse. I'm not a PETA freak -- not even a vegetarian -- but I believe every animal deserves to be considered and treated humanely. I feel that, more than anything else, the way one treats an animal reveals more about their moral character. My mom says that "charity starts at home" so I've made it my goal to one day help update and modernize my city's local no-kill shelter.

9. My biggest pet peeves: people who don't say 'thank you' when you hold the door open for them, old people who act/dress like they're young, people who don't appreciate their lives, rude people and uh people in general..

10. I really wish I had an incredible singing voice haha. I mean, not that not having a great singing voice keeps me from blowing off people's ears haha, but come on -- who hasn't wished they could sing like Adele or Leona Lewis?

11. I'm in love with a guy I'll never have. What can I say -- I'm a romantic. And an endorser of cliches.

Julie’s 11 Questions...
1. If money, schooling or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
Creative writer, definitely no doubts about that.

2. What’s the one thing you look forward to every day?
There's nothing I look forward to in particular.. Honestly, I just take every day one by one and enjoy them however I can. Everybody should appreciate the days in their lives.

3. What is your number one, all-time, favorite blog?
Don't really have one.. kind of new to the whole 'blogging' and blog-following scene

4. Biggest online pet peeve?
When people get their statuses/tweets from tumblr and act as if they came up with it lolol *stupid pet peeve*

5. What is your all-time favorite book?
God I have so many! Geek Love, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Kite Runner, Looking for Alaska, and Water for Elephants are the most common ones I list.

6. What would your “last meal” be?
Korean food made by my mom -- bul gogi, ox-tail soup, kimchee and fish-and-potato soup and just everything.. it just feels right.

7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not exactly. That just means you fall in love with someone's physical appearance and that's the reason why you choose to pursue them. If something comes out of it, good for them, but obviously I think love should be based on the inner-self first.

8. What would your ideal Sunday morning consist of?
Sunday bummin' ~ no stress and no work, in my house surrounded by my family and Bo and good weather.

9. Why do you blog?
Good way to get/keep myself creatively (and non-creatively) writing outside of class.

10. If you had to choose one color to wear forever, what would you pick?

11. What is your all-time favorite band?
Off the top of my head, Bon Iver .. just because I'm listening to Halocene at the moment haha. But I'm also a lover of Kid Cudi, Frank Ocean, Tyler the Creator, Mumford and Sons, classical piano and a lot of things in between.

Everyone's tagged! I'm keeping the same 11 questions Julie asked :)

Here are the rules..
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them.


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