Monday, October 17, 2011

Homecoming Weekend

Weird as hell being back home. I walked into my room and literally stood there for a good 5 minutes just staring at everything: smaller than I remembered; not used to having a delofted bed (my college one is up to my boobs); the lighting is softer; the floors were clean and wooden. It was all just so strange. Showering without flip flops was the weirdest sensation ever also! It's been a good month and a half since I've felt the shower floor (sounds weird but whatever). And oh my God -- you don't understand how much I missed home food! Ox-tail soup and Forest chicken wraps never tasted better.

Homecoming was so weird seeing everybody, even seeing people I didn't like that much or people I barely noticed -- it didn't really matter that much; it was like a lifetime ago. And that's sort of a big deal for me -- dropping grudges I mean.

What I would've worn if we went to a classy place..

Bo was a lot smaller than I remembered.. He even had a little mangy look to him. His cherry eye's acting up. He's less active.. he barely barks at strangers; when I open  the front door he doesn't bark; he doesn't jump up on you; when you play with him it's almost half-hearted. I wanted to give him a bath, brush his teeth, and give him a long walk before I left, but I didn't get a chance to and I feel really bad about that :/ I wonder if it's cruel for me to keep him. Nobody walks him, nobody plays with him (except for Brandon, on occasion) and he doesn't play with other dogs. But he's my baby. Is it selfish of me to not want to give him up??? Holy fuck I sat in the den crying for 10 minutes by myself because I don't know what to do.

It reads "Random Acts of Kindness"

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