Friday, May 18, 2012

i'm so unhappy

especially when I'm back home. Don't know why that is. I was so excited to come home-- like, ecstatic -- but now that I'm here, all I want to do is leave..

But I don't want to go back to college.
And I can't stay inside all the time.

I just honestly hate people. So fucking much. Why do they exist.
Why do I exist?


  1. Ahh hunny, I don't know what you're going through but keep your head up!
    I agree with you on it too though, sometimes I feel that way too. Only because sometimes my parents bring me down. ):
    Head up!

  2. aww you are such a sweetie -- thank you darling! <3 i didn't actually think anyone would read this haha i'm slightly embarrassed x: for me it's actually issues with friends, but i'm sorry to hear about your parents :( if you need someone to vent to at any time i'm here! xox
